Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the flu kills 290,000 to 650,000 people per year.
Yep, and that’s without any preventative measures apart from some countries vaccinating their over 60s. With all the social distancing measures being taken around the world Covid-19 has still killed at least 338,000, and that is a massive underestimate. The actual deaths from Covid-19 are not being reported correctly, either because of inadequate reporting systems or lying governments. In England we only used to report deaths in hospitals, but when deaths in care homes were included the numbers shot up, but even that doesn’t tell the whole story. The UK’s official death toll is 36,667, but that’s only those who had a positive test. If you include those that had Cocid-19 symptoms as a contributing factor on their death certificate that number jumps to 41,020. However, if you take the average deaths over this period we have 54,437 more deaths than we have had during this period in previous years. If that is typical of other countries then that 338,000 figure jumps to over half a million. And as so many governments are simply lying I suspect the real figure is even higher. For example, Qatar admits to over 40,000 cases, but admits to only 19 deaths, I find that highly suspicious, as I do Russia’s claim to have lost only 3,300 or so out of over 326,00 cases.